Friday, June 13, 2008

Chooi Lee's last day in MFPC

Today is Chooi Lee's last day in MFPC. She has been working here since 2003. She is the HOD. She is a helpful person, intelligence and has a good relationship with the industry.

Today, she is very busy packing up her stuff.

Unfortunately, no one is helping her. 俩位大男生, 袖手旁观, 一点怜香惜玉都不会. Poor girl.整间office的人, 冷漠无情, 漠不关心. 自己做回自己的事, 真可怜.

还有的是这对twins - The 170 Gals, 为了一个男生, 大打出手.

其实不是, 她们的感情很好. 而且, Chooi Lee 是为了不想打扰大家, 所以自己收拾东西.

你们看, 她跟每位同事的感情都很好.


Unknown said...

de end of nightmare brings u de life of heaven... sweetie, i hope u live ur life hapily, i wil cherish ur smile n de moments we works 2gether.. 2day, gudbye seems 2 b de hardest word to say so i chose to say 'C u soon, ms wong!' = )

sarah said...

useless blokes, not at all helpful! CL, we girls are not weaklings, we don't need them men!

CL, your departure from mfpc is the beginning of even better things. FREEDOM at last!!!! i am so happy for you!