Thursday, November 6, 2008


Do you know what is the picture below? This picture was drew by JD (柞希). When I got back from office and i saw this picture on the wall. Then I asked around who drew this on the wall? JD (柞希) answered me immediately without thinking "It's me". Then i asked him, what is this picture, and he told me this is a 'TORTOISE'.

At first I'm very angry because he simply drew on the wall, but after I thought deeply, actually he is very honest (he admitted what he did) and creative too. So I didn't punish him and I told him next time draw on the paper instead of on the wall. He nodded his head.

I have adjusted the contrast of the picture, so that you can see the picture clearly. Lets put in your imagination, it's really looks like a tortoise. The head is on the right-hand-side with two eyes and a long neck. The body & shell on the left-hand-side but no legs. Ha ha haa.

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sarah said...

the head does look like a tortoise's... though without the legs and shell i would think it looks like a snake with the head of a tortoise! ha.

Meng PAUL said...

Ha ha .. funny imagination.